Saturday, November 19, 2011

How can I pracitce high jump at home?

I just started high jump and I cant do a back bend that good over the bar how can I improve this? I wanna be able to do it. I just wanna high jump good cuz I love it already. Oh also here is another problem im a freshman and im on varisty so practing in the meets isnt really a good idea for me cuz im on varisty. I wanna be able to high jump cuz its fun. HELP|||High jumping is fairly technical, it will take a little time and your coach should observe you and make corrections. Practicing in meets isn't a good idea for anybody, save practice for practice and meets for meets. Focus on competing, on what you have done in practice.

For the back bend, keep your head back, don't look at your body, look towards the far back corner of the mat (this forces the hips to stay high).

These are some drills:

In all drills stress "Trunk upright, hips forward and head high".

2 脳 20m walking - lifting the heel and stretching the ankle quickly. Walk back to recover.

2 脳 20m bouncing ankle extension

2 脳 20m bounding arm drill

5 脳 3 or 5 stride vertical jump drill (ankle extension, free knee drive, arm action)

Three stride practice jumps, concentrating on specific body parts (5 to 10 jumps).

Good luck!|||I have the same issue although I'm considerably older than you. My advice is to practice the run up first. The approach is the most important part of the jump. You can practice your J... however many steps straight and then into your curve. Practice running circles and leaning in and pressing outward. You need to have a good approach. You can do bridges or lie on a stability ball to improve the flexibility of your back. Then try to find some time to practice with a bunjee cord on a pit. I have to go in the early am to a nearby track and hope they have left the pit out in order to do this. Good luck. You'll be great!

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