Saturday, November 19, 2011

How can I improve the height that I jump for high jump?

Right, well in school we are having this competition and I don't want to embarres myself in the high jump...I'm 15, 5ft 8 and my personal best is 1.55m...I would like to get to atleast to 1.70m so are there any techniques or tricks I could use to make myself jump higher and more effienctely?|||In order to jump higher and increase your vertical jump for the high jump, you must do the right exercises and know what you are doing. Many people who want to jump higher train wrong. One of the biggest mistakes guys make in trying to jump higher is they train for endurance and strength only and not for muscle explosion.

To jump higher, you want to train your body for explosion, which is a combination of strength and quickness. Calf exercise, squats, lunges,and other strength building exercises are important for building strength and jump roping, and running stairs are good for endurance, but to increase your vertical jump, you must also train for muscle explosion, which involves plyometric exercises.

Plyometrics is where you simulate sports movements and concentrate on simulating jumping movements (explosive motions).

Plyometric exercises are used to develop your quick twitch muscles, used to increase your explosion.

Quality of the exercise is MUCH more important than quantity. 5 reps of proper form will get you in the air much higher than 20 reps of poor form. Also, if you want an explosive vertical, you must train that way! Do every exercise as explosively as possible and go for maximum height. You're vertical will improve like you never thought possible if you go for more distance on every jump. This is telling your body that you need to get HIGHER.

Besides plyometric exercises, there are other important variables involved to maximize your vertical jumping.

Some includes reducing body fat, proper nutrition, increasing flexibility.

If serious in learning more, go to to sign up a free ecourse tips on jumping higher.|||just practice. try jumping over some high things in your house. good luck ;)

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