Tuesday, December 6, 2011

High jump season is coming and i want to get in shape for contests?

summers coming which means the high jump is coming to. this year i am really keen on winning or at least getting a high rank in a high jump contest. is there any good exercises or tactics to jump up high in high jumps? i was just asking because im really keen to win contests. thanks for help guys|||I am a freshman girl high jumper this year and have done high jump since the 7th grade. You need to go up to the bar and put your hand on the bar (meaning being a hand lenght away) and put a peice of tape on the ground marking where to jump at. This really helps me with my awarness about jumping. Start your run slow and then gradually gain speed giving you momentum to clear the bar. Don't go at too a fast speed where you will ram into the bar or anything. Just a nice easy pace. Also just be confident about placing a clearing the bar. You aren't going to get any where worying about what will happen, just try your hardest and good things will happen. And remember if they don't happen on 'your time' keep your chin up and your head high because it will come someday with enough practice and courage! Best of luck to 1 high jumper to another!

Oh and also do you have a jumper coach? They should have some good advice..that's what they are there for.. Unless they are 76 like my coach is!!!!!|||well if u want to get into shape for high jump then you need to work legs legs legs......do calf raise, high knee stairs, squats and all kinds of just legs

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